Opportunities |
Manage your entire book of business within a single, easy-to-use dashboard that
allows you to drag-and-drop deals between customizable stages.
- View your appointments, listings, contracts, closed deals, and projected revenue in one place.
- Stay organized with simplified document management, collaboration with both your office and your client, compliance review, and more.
- See the road ahead with real-time revenue projections and keep tabs on your cash flow.
- Flexible team settings include advanced filtering to gain a holistic view and permissioned visibility into individual member pipelines.
Session 1 |
Manage Opportunities Like a Pro - With 3 Simple Steps to Get Started with Command, you learned how to add contacts and opportunities.
Create an Opportunity - track everything involved with the transaction, activity checklists, offer management, potential commission income and compliance.
Add a Listing to an Opportunity - Opportunities is the tool we use to track our current and potential deals, within Command.
Manage Your Opportunities - Move through the pipeline, adding information, attach a listing, and eventually closing.
Search All Opportunities in Command - View Opportunities that were closed more than 30 days previously and archived/lost Opportunities.
Next Steps
Add Signatures to Forms in Docusign <3 min. Video
Void (Cancel) an Envelope in Docusign< 5 min. Read
Add a One-Off Compliance Document Checklist Item to an Opportunity <10 min. Read
Create and Manage Custom Folders for Opportunities <5 min. Read
Utilize Compliance Folder Messaging <5 min. Read
Create a New Compliance Document Checklist Version for an Opportunity < 6 min. Video
Session 2 |
Create an Offer - Use offer data to help improve and track your offers, through reports and insights, as well as submit for Commissions.
Share and Manage Offers - Once you have multiple offers, manage by editing, comparing, sharing and ultimately accepting or rejecting.
Next Steps
Customize Opportunities < 1 hour Read
Customize Your Opportunity Pipelines < 10 min. Read
Manage Checklists in Opportunities <3 min. Read
Session 3 |
Prep to Get Paid: Command, Compliance, and Commissions
Create and Connect Your Document Management Account
Create a Docusign Room for an Opportunity
Access the Docusign Room for an Opportunity
Create and Send an Envelope in Docusign
Add Compliance Documents to an Opportunity
Submit Compliance Documents to Your Market Center
Replace Rejected Documents in an Opportunity
Next Steps
Archive an Opportunity or Mark an Opportunity as Lost < 4 min. Video
Restore an Archived Opportunity< 2 min. Read